Sunday, August 04, 2013

Dipsy Doodle

A morning newscaster on TV just used that term to describe a weather front. Which made me wonder what exactly a dipsy doodle may be, exactly...

My gut feeling is that it might be a freehand doodle, somewhat in a dipsy fashion.

But, what if it were a sketch of a dipsy, doodled??

Does Polly Wolly dipsy doodle all the day, or does she strictly doodle?

If anyone out there has any answers, please feel free to pass those along. Now I will be absolutely unable to get anything done today, until I know for sure...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:06 AM

    Hmm, interesting question. I have no idea. I would assume Polly Wolly could dipsy, doodle, dipsy doodle, doodle dipsy, dipsy dipsy, doodle doodle, or whatever she wants. I think when it comes to dipsy doodle or dipsy or even doodles, there are no rules really.

  2. What the doodles....
