Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Hills Are Alive...

You'd think I was going to post something about the sound of music, wouldn't you?

I don't think this post is even going to be about hills, for that matter - the popular lyric just popped into my head when I started to blog, so I went with it.

I could talk about pills - which keep me alive. My daily intake of diabetes meds...


What I will I have to do is scroll back into my archives once I do post this - I got a comment yesterday from a reader to "What Does Chihuahua Mean" - my enduring top post here in this blog space.

Not that it's a particularly brilliant bit of electronic scribbling - it's just an indication that someone is clicking through, and for some reason that one stays as the lead option.

No hills, no music...

False advertising!!

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:26 AM

    Oh, I KNEW you would not be blogging about the Sound of me! Thanks for nothing!

  2. You are, as always, entirely welcome!
