Saturday, April 21, 2012

Charlie Bumped

Due to an early (way too friggin' early for a Saturday morning..) morning commitment, Charlie won't get his bony claws on the computer until tomorrow.

I'd also like to take the time to thank Google for arbitrarily switching me over the the new Blogger, even though I tried to buy myself another day where I may have had the time to learn about WHERE THE HELL EVERYTHING IS NOW!!!! Learning from Facebook, apparently...

Hey, thinking about Live-Tweeting my colonoscopy over the next few days. There has to be some laughs in there somewhere?


Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:24 AM

    Yes, you are way too awake this morning, buzzing around like a bee...ugh! Yup, tomorrow is indeed Assplosion will definitely be buzzing around like a bee again, but not in a fun way...Yahoo!

  2. Maybe I should have hired a stand-in...
