Friday, February 25, 2011

Better go get the chicken…”

No, that’s not a farmer speaking, or an employee at a Canadian KFC restaurant trying to stretch one of their elderly anorexic hens into a couple of 20-piece bucket measl. That’s just the typical approach to a weekend, here in the Such Is Life household.

I actually use that “fetch-the-bird” phrase around here as often as I mutter “@!*#ing Windows Vista!!” An inanimate rubber chicken that posts here on the weekend remains (according to Google Analytics at least) the single most popular feature of this blog, the next closest being my entertainment reviews. I am being upstaged in my own space by a rubber chicken. So this is how my life as a humour writer has unfolded…swell.

Well, at least people are reading – so many bloggers would kill to have the audience that follows Charlie, although glancing at some of those countries, I wonder if maybe readers are either simply salivating at the possibility of said chicken on a rotisserie, or are tuning in each week to see just not wacky the photographer is with location shoots (of much concern to Mrs. That Dan Guy, let me tell you…).

Well, let him shine I say – doing this gig daily, it’s nice to get at least one day off, even if it is to let a delusional chicken rant.

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy5:14 PM

    Yes, Friday nights or Saturday mornings I do hear that phrase "I must the bird" or "I wonder where that chicken is at"...and, inevitably I will walk by something and say "Hi Charlie", like seeing a rubber chicken lyihg on your coffee table, or your kitchen island or on the floor of your main living space is totally normal. Between the "Mr." and that damn bird, I may be going crazy in my own home!
