Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey – it’s the 11th!

I’d better throw some salt over my shoulder…

The 11th…someone appears to have attached a jet-pack to April’s back – before we blink, it’ll be May. Of course, if we blink fast enough, the snow will melt and spring may actually arrive.

So far, even though we’ve set up our outdoor yard space, we’ve only been able to look longingly at it (covered in snow) from our patio door. It might have been smarter to just set up our lawn chairs in the kitchen, facing the backyard. Create an illusion, so to speak.

With a really, really long stick, we could roast wieners on the BBQ, and on the plus side, the mosquitoes would be trapped outside, trying to draw blood from Frosty.

Perhaps we were getting ahead of ourselves. One nice day early in the year in Canada certainly doesn’t necessarily signal Speedo weather.

But I was thinking it might be safe to pack our earmuffs and toques away…

Chow for now!!


  1. Interesting - posted at 8:12 AM, on the 11th - which adds up to 11...
