Saturday, August 01, 2009

Chicken Scratch

Charlie’s Pluckin’ & Cluckin’ Music Reviews:

Across The Universe” Motion Picture Soundtrack

Mornin’, ya hairy mammals! Charlie’s hear ta edjacate ya taday. I’m gonna bring some culture ta yer empty noggins, even if it kills me in the process!!


Today, I wanna talk about a nifty little soundtrack album, from a movie that featured lotsa Beatles songs. Havin’ eaten my fair share of beetles over the years, I’m kinda partial to their music.


Any-hoo, when I saw this terrific movie, I really enjoyed the soundtrack to it. Cover versions by cast members of Beatles songs, but lotsa them are pretty cluckin’ good – sumthin’ ya can’t always say about Beatles covers, ain’t that right Peter Frampton??


Sure, the movie was aimed at the youthful, but if ya enjoyed beetles when ya grew up, like I did – ya just might enjoy this soundtrack album. While it don’t contain “Good Mornin’” or any other songs with chicken an rooster references, I can look aside from those exclusions to still find a few ditties to enjoy. Who don’t enjoy a pleasant ditty every once inna while?


Plus, one of the producers of the album is T Bone Burnett, which is way better in my books than Chicken Wing Magoo!

Cluck for now, losers!!

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