Saturday, July 11, 2009

The “Gettin’ It Out Of Our System” Tour 2009 – Day Five (and one-half) – (Leaving Las Vegas)

Programming note: Charlie has been bumped to Sunday morning. God help us all…for now:

The Saturday Morning “Nobody-Asked-Me-To, But-Here-I-Go-Anyway” concert review: Jack Jones

There aren’t many left, and the ones we’ve seen have been amazing – seeing legendary crooner Jack Jones last night was no exception.

So, the reason we ended up back here in this city was the chance to see one of the few remaining song stylists of a generation that still has an effect on today’s music – for stars like Michael Buble, and any one of the Sixties-styled singers cropping up – like Adele, Duffy, and anyone else that can only come up with a single name. A contemporary of singers like Tony Bennett and Robert Goulet (who we were both fortunate enough to see in concert as well), Jack Jones has lost NONE of his pipes – he hit notes last night I don’t think even Mariah Carey can find any more. Smooth as silk, and professional as they come.

Of course, if you’re still scratching your head trying to figure out who he is, he is forever immortalized from his cameo in the hit film series “Airplane”, crooning the theme to the “Love Boat” TV show, which he made famous. Hey, that makes two “Love Boat” celebrities that we’ve seen now – we also caught Bernie Kopell in a dinner theatre production back home. I wonder when we’ll catch Gopher, or Mary Ann?

Wait, wasn’t Mary Ann from “Gilligan’s Island”? I clearly need more sleep before I do this stuff…

He’s also a regular performer for the annual Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, which for the record, is held at the South Point Hotel & Casino, which was where we caught this show.

The show? Oh yeah – almost 2 hours of smooth traipsing down Memory Lane, hearing classics from popular music, Broadway, and jazz. Star quality, man. Star quality.

Better run. We’ve come to the end of the line, and we have a gruesomely early flight to catch back home.

Chow for now!

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