Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We are playing catch-up (mustard been away, I guess) on our TV viewing. Even though we have tried cutting back on the time we spend in front of the boob tube, I guess we just relish the few shows we still watch.

I’d like to work in mayonnaise and Grey Poupon here, but the first three condiments were strained at best…

Some couples are like oil and vinegar in their viewing habits- the husband enjoys sports, while the Mrs. enjoys chirpy home decorating shows. Happily, we are pretty much on the same page, here in the Such Is Life household. Of the thousands of islands that float by on a broadcast day, I’d say Mrs. That Dan Guy and I are relatively unanimous in our viewing choices. Blue Cheese!

Cheez Whiz, is there no end to the food undercurrent? Clearly, I cannot do this blog before breakfast…

At any rate, my point (such as it was) seemed to be that we are very compatible in our viewing habits.

Chow for now!!

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