Sunday, September 07, 2008

In the absence of having put together a handy emergency blog topic list for days like today, when my muse is off in an alley somewhere having a smoke and playing dice, I thought it might be fun to take a walk down my virtual memory lane.

Here’s what I was writing about on this day in 2007:

I have seen my future, and it ain’t pretty…No, this isn’t some Photoshop trick. That is indeed my scalp you are gazing at. I’ve got less hair than Charlie!!It was an unintentional gaze into my future though. I may not have much left on top, but what was once there was infinitely better than this!! I’m smoother than my own bottom!”!

That posting was written in response to a new hair stylist, who unilaterally decided I should adopt a style not unlike the average elderly grandparent. The resulting photo is still online, if you check out the archived postings…

What was my topic, Sept 7, 2006?

We've got a weekend pass, as I don't expect Purolator to be delivering my long-lost freakin' ladder on a weekend...It'll be nice to feel the sun on my face again, and the gentle caress of a light wind. I've been terrified to leave the house since mid-week, but there has been no reward for my loyalty and patient anticipation. I remain ladderless.”

That blog entry refers to a multi-position ladder that Mrs. That Dan Guy and I picked up on a whim, at a home show. We were so impressed with the demonstration of a product we had limited use for, we bought it on the spot. The only catch was, it would take a few days for delivery.

Which dragged into weeks, and ultimately a delivery to the wrong home on our street. Thank God for an honest homeowner, or at least one that was reluctant to sign for delivery of something that could have been a heavily-jostled hive of hornets.

And that’s the way it was, in our world…

Chow for now!!

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