Sunday, February 17, 2008

And we’re back…

After getting the hook from a chicken every Saturday, I feel like I have to play catch-up on the Sunday following.

So, here’s the (belated) scoops du jour:

Friday night on The Tonight Show, with Jay Leno, I tuned in to watch Russell Peters, a talented Canadian stand-up comic, who is exploding world-wide right now. You know, I should say that I mean he’s becoming very popular. Exploding is probably not the best describer in these current times we live in…

At any rate, he was great, and pulled off a hilarious set. But prior to his appearance, Jay was taking questions from the studio audience, and front and centre, there was a guy wearing a Calgary Flames' jersey! Of all the people to zero in on – a Calgary Flames' fan. Go figure. What a small world it truly is…

More fascinating than that, we watched Las Vegas, the delightful series. And as we’re watching, there’s a storyline unfolding where Montecito Casino owner Tom “Moustache” Selleck is apparently killed in a plane crash. And who do they bring in to sing at the funeral??

JAMES BLUNT!! That’s right, and all capitalized for impact: JAMES BLUNT!

He shows a humble sense of self-deprecating humour with his one spoken line, then launches into one of the hits off of his latest album. TV magic! 25 years, from now, this will be like that finale of Newhart, where Bob wakes up next to Emily…

There is hope yet, for the boob tube…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Lip syncing was never done so well and oh yes Vegas is a perfect spot for a guy named Blunt.

  2. Lip syncing??

    Lip syncing???

    Come on, that was clearly as live as an SNL performance....
