Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Again With The Fun “Facts” About Canada!

(Facts sold separately. Batteries not included)

Welcome back to another lesson of Canadiana. That’s a real phrase by the way, unlike much of the rest of today’s posting. All things Canadian are considered Canadiana, similar to all things Pamela Anderson are Andersoniana. I know – sounds crazy, but that’s how it works up here!

Well, enough ado, and even more than enough Gesundheit – let’s get on with our lesson:

* Canada has a mint, which produces the coins that Canadians use in day-to-day transactions. These transactions can include, but are not limited to: purchases of Starbucks coffee, purchases of McDonald’s hamburgers, and purchases of Wal-Mart retail items. Hey, aren’t those all American companies???

* Canada could not afford to jazz up its name with I, E, O,U, or even Y during confederation. Pat Sajak refused to cut Canada any slack with bonus vowels…

* This has nothing to do with Canada, but I just realized that my command of the alphabet may be in serious Jeopardy, after reviewing the order of vowels in that last statement. Hey, that’s TWO game shows I’ve mentioned so far today!!

* Canada has several cities large enough to be recognized worldwide: Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver for example. Not so much recognized worldwide: Estevan, Portage La Prairie, and Frozen Moustache…

* One of the most remarkable things about Canada, is that if you scramble the letters, you can spell “Dan Caa”. I know, sounds a lot like “danke”, eh?? Danke Schoen!!

* Famous Canadians: William Shatner, Wayne Gretzky, Celine Dion. Not-so-famous Canadian: Jim

Well, there’s another half-dozen “Fun Facts About Canada”. If it seems a bit light in the fact department, my internet was briefly down this morning for maintenance. I had to go pretty much just from memory.

Good thing it finally came back up, eh??

Chow for now!!

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