Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween, for anyone out there celebrating this event today!!

I could have sworn I saw Charlie walking down the hall this morning, carrying a couple of pieces of bread. I really need to wake up a bit more before I start wandering around the house…

Me? I’m going to dress up as an unshaven writer in a bathrobe today, maybe scare a few Trick-Or-Treaters at the door tonight if I look too much like their unemployed dad, or eccentric uncle.

I often wonder what cartoon characters, vampires and werewolves, or stereotypical professionals such as nurses and cowboys dress up as on Halloween. Do they put on a pair of Dockers, and brush their hair with their hands to look like an IT geek? Does a witch or a goblin slip on a McDonald’s uniform, and hit the party circuit? These are questions that enter my brain cells, at this hour of the morning.

I think I need professional help…

We were still talking about that Colm Wilkinson experience over dinner last night. Man, that guy was completely spell-binding. I don’t think we’ll be able to top that show anytime soon.

On a related note, I used a Wilkinson razor to shave this morning. Small world, eh??

Chow for now!!

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