Monday, September 10, 2007

Holy Tomato Paste, Batman…what the heck is happening to September???

Today is the flippin’ 10th already!!! Is September in some sort of foot race?? Does it have somewhere to be by a certain date?? Or is it just that with summer pretty much over now, the calendar gods just feel hey, why should days linger lazily anymore??

Or, am I the only one here with a) wrinkled knuckles, and b) a feeling that the month is flying by at warp speed????

Now I’m starting to feel guilty about watching Britney Spear’s lip-synched return last night. Those were 15 minutes I could have been tilling the garden, or finishing up my 3-D paper-maché model of Saskatchewan. No matter how hard I try, it still just looks like a rectangular pancake…

And how about that performance?? The news channels are already gong on about how she looked like she had walked into a wall several times, and it was painfully obvious at several points when she was desperately trying to remember the words, that her voice was still coming out of the speakers, clear as a bell.

Stick a fork in her folks, I think she’s done!!

But I’m digressing here. Why on earth does time have to fly, when it can take a Greyhound for considerably less money? Can’t I enjoy the days just a little bit more?? By tomorrow, it’ll be the end of the month, and I’ll have to start planning my annual "Birds Of Prey" Halloween costume yet again.

Slow down, Month. I’m warning you!!!!!!!

Chow for now!!

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