Thursday, September 13, 2007

Despite my repeated protestations, September continues to speed by. No regard for my feelings, this hasty month!

Here we are, already the freakin’ 13th!! Did September become unionized, or something??? Can’t it be more like August, and take some time to kick back a little???

At the rate this month is flying by, we’ll be carving pumpkins in no time – picking the ants out of Santa’s beard, before we place him on the stairs.

SLOW DOWN, SEPTEMBER!!!! I’m warning you – I need more time to embrace this month.

Although, is there anything you really miss in September? It’s not technically fall, and it sure ain’t summer – the temperature outside today was 1 degree Celsius!! Even Beluga whales like their water warmer than that…

So, would I miss much if September continued to careen along its current hasty linear timeline? Sure, the trees change color, and go through instant balding. National Squirrel Month would be here sooner. And my lawn may rebound from the summer scorching. I suppose I should have watered it once or twice, like my neighbors kept doing…

So, there you have it. I am coming to terms with this sprinting month. Go by quickly September, if that’s what floats your boat. See if I care.

I’ll be too busy watching the new fall TV season to give a rat’s patootie…

Chow for now!!

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