Thursday, August 09, 2007

Well, wax my knees and call me shiny...

You know, you'd think that with a start like that, I might actually have a follow-up, but I still have nothin'...

This could technically be "Brain-Barren, Day Three", if I wasn't trying so hard to cleverly conceal the fact that I once again have sat down, with loads of nothingness to write about.

And I do mean nothing. Zip. Zippo. Zipperoo.

Which is sort of silly. There's lots going on in the world. Politics, sports, TV, movies. Even just Barry Bonds getting the new record (Was it for hitting? Catching?? Touchdown receptions??) should give me some fodder, yet...nothing.

I think my light has dimmed since Paris Hilton sort-of straightened out her act, and "The Next Best Thing - Celebrity Impersonators" wrapped up. I just haven't been the same. I'm going through Cher impersonator withdrawals. I think it's even starting to affect my golf swing.

So this is my solemn promise to you all out there. No matter how bummed out I am about these things, tomorrow I SWEAR I will have something to say about something.

Even if it is just a recap of "According To Jim".

Chow for now!!

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