Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Man, how long am I going to have to wait for The Pink Panther 2?? It seems like it's been YEARS since the last one....

And whatever happened to Air Bud? Did the poor dog pass away, with no fanfare?? Why hasn't he been back for a lacrosse film, or maybe "Air Bud - Badminton Bedlam"???

We haven't been to a movie in a while now (that will probably change when "Spiderman 3" or "Rocky 9" opens), so we are feeling a little nostalgic about some of the old classics, as mentioned above.

And while I'm on this tangent, can anybody out there explain to me why Anthony Hopkins keeps getting nominated for Academy Awards, and yet Adam Sandler still awaits HIS day at the podium?? Are these judges all blind to evident talent??

One thing we are getting tired of (at the movies) is having to smuggle in our own candy and popcorn, what with the outrageous prices charged inside the theatres. It used to be not so bad when we just smuggled in a handful or two of Glosettes, and a zipper-lock baggie of microwave popcorn.

However, that honestly sucked the big potato. So now, we bring in hand-popped popping corn with generous gobs of butter. That has ruined at least one pair of corduroy slacks...

And the chocolate in a larger quantity melts in my shirt pocket, NOT in my hand. It looks like I'm carrying around a leaky spittoon in my shirt...

Hmm. The more I think about it, maybe we should just stay home, and wait for "The Notebook 2" to come out on Movie Central....

Chow for now!!

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