Friday, April 06, 2007

It is a fine, fine spring day here. The birds (covered entirely in heavy parkas and waterproof rubber galoshes) are singing, the grass is (covered in yet another freakin’ fresh blanket of snow) is rizz’ (is that even a word???), I wonder where the flowers izz’??

That is definitely not a word….

Yes, we came home from downtown Calgary late last night while snow was briskly falling, as we enter the second week of spring here. Looks more like early October in Winnipeg. I sure hope “they” weren’t kidding when they told us summers are nice here. I generally like to see the snow go away for July & August, but it was catch and go in Winnipeg, so I’ll cross my fingers that things are different here…

It is a unique perspective. In Kelowna, we were just waiting for the lake to warm up enough for water-skiing, at this time of year. Here, we watch the tulips cluster together, frostbitten and more than just a little bit P.O.’ed about having to sprout in a milder Siberia.

Better run. I need a second cup of coffee, and some sort of breakfast.

Have a Good Friday!!

Chow for now!!

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