Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, it would appear that my Move The Pittsburgh Penguins To Winnipeg Campaign 2007 was a miserable failure. I read something in the newspaper the other day that suggested there may have been a deal struck, to keep the team there in The Pitts city.

Man, Winnipeg would have been PERFECT for a team called The Penguins. For one thing, there's over 11 1/2 months of winter there, damn near optimum conditions for those sorts of birds.

For another, they've got a brand-new arena, which would have been home to an NHL team, rather than hosting the "Canadian National Broomball Sweepstakes". And canoe expositions... I think they even still have a CFL team there, but I could be mistaken on that. It's not like they were in the Grey Cup or anything...

How about affordable housing? It's not like penguins have bottomless pocketbooks. Winnipeg still has some of the most reasonable house pricing in Canada, if you exclude everything east of Quebec. And where else can you get the world-famous Junior's hot dogs, or a Salisbury House nip?? Forget pickled herrings, the penguins could feast on some of the best fast food anywhere (they don't get that shape by eating their vegetables, for Pete's sake)!!

Sadly, The Penguins may never know just how ideal they could have had it, in Winnipeg. Where were the visionaries, the dreamers, the movers and shakers?? Where were the captains of industry? Where was I going with this????

Chow for now!!

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