Wednesday, June 14, 2006

At the mercy of technology, once again...

I generally tend to try and get these blogs posted off first thing in the morning, for a couple of reasons.

The first one being so that my tens of readers can get their daily fix, and then get about their own matters of the day, like I do.

The second is so that the guilt of not getting them posted early in the day won't gnaw away at me while I watch The Price Is Right, The Young & The Restless, and a couple of hours of wacky shows I may happen across whilst channel-surfing...

Today, like a few other days before, I had no link to the outside world, aside from my doors and windows. My internet would not connect - no matter how many times I pressed that little button with the globe picture on my computer, and/or supplemented said repeated poking with liberal usage of words I've heard on Deadwood. Nothing...

Patience tested yet again, I politely called tech support, and screamed shrilly that I could not connect to my internet. I needed my internet, I pleaded.

After 20 minuted of playing around with settings on my end, and further testing of the signal from the tech end, I happened to notice that our cat had accidentally unplugged the line from the modem. The little fella was still playing with it, in fact.

I feigned a battery dying on my cordless phone, and hung up...

Once plugged in, the computer worked like magic, reuniting me with my blog page. And today's posting...

Chow for now!!

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