Sunday, May 14, 2006

Did you know that there will be five Fridays in June?? This is just one of many public service announcements you can rely on, here in this blog.

I'm like a low-budget version of the Knowledge Network. Not so much ground-breaking as I am puzzling, like yesterday's column about the big toe. I don't want to get started on that all over again, but for Pete's sake, what is up with that one humungous toe, compared to all the others on the foot?? Maybe I'm not so much in the knowledge department after all...

I don't know what it's like where you are today, but here it is already hot enough to be sweating while just sitting quietly on the sofa. I should probably open a window, it's only like 8:45 Am, so it's just going to get hotter in here if I don't take some sort of action pronto.

Hey, it's Mother's Day today!! I'll have to make a call, and hope that the card I sent last week got there on time, for once. I sent it plenty early, but the card I sent to my sister for her birthday didn't get there on time, so my mother could be devastated if hers was delayed as well...

I should have sent it Priority Post to be on the safe side. But, I will make a call, just to cover my bases.

Happy Mother's day,wherever appropriate!!

Chow for now!

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