Sunday, June 21, 2015

Steve Hill @The Ironwood Stage

Wish I had brought my real camera - damn...

The astounding Canadian blues rocker Steve Hill killed it last night at The Ironwood Stage - read all about that here!

Enjoy - I sure did...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy2:21 PM

    Oh man! Steve Hill captured me for every damn second of his show as much as Buddy Guy recently did at his show. WHOA! Steve Hill is incredible to hear, and just as incredible to watch. Wickedly talented and I have no earthly idea how plays, hits, taps, sings all by himself and never misses a beat?! And his CDs we have listened to since you purchased them at his show, there is NO WAY I will tire from those CDs anytime soon.

  2. I have never seen anything like it - and his CDs are AMAZING!!!!
