Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Taking My Blog To Chuck E Cheese, Happy 9th Year, Blog!

Well, as I was away the past few days I was out of my daily routine and missed my reminder - my blog turned 9 yesterday!

March 17, 2006

With a post referring to how this space was going to replace a daily writing exercise called "Morning Papers", I hit the ground standing still, and moved slowly towards making this a place to try and attract reader to my humour, and diarize my ongoing goings-on.

It took quit a while to develop any sort of following...

March 17, 2007

Somewhere along the way, our lives here in The Such Is Life household were forever altered by the arrival of the cantankerous, classless rubber chicken that came to be known as Charlie, the weekend guest blogger, although he does get bumped from time to time with other things that come up. It is very appropriate, given his peccadilloes, that the anniversary generally falls on St. Patrick's Day...

March 17, 2008

In 2008, I finally caught on to the trend that this blog had survived for three years, and back at that time, every day - rain or shine, travel or dull home life in front of the TV on the sofa, the blog was posted routinely. There have only ever been two or three days in 9 years where I have missed posting, and that was usually due to something far more important going on in our lives. Plus one time I just plum forgot...

March 17, 2009

In 2009, I posted from the road, and in what should be no big surprise to anyone that knows us, from Las Vegas. We were there yesterday when I missed my reminder of the blog anniversary, frantically trying to squeeze as much in as possible before we had to grab a cab over to the airport. Despite our pleas for a tornado or pre-departure jet engine failure, we lifted off right on schedule yesterday, back home this morning :-(

March 17, 2010

In 2010, this blog had gotten out of the Terrible Twos, and the Treacherous Threes, plus I had again realized it was an anniversary and/or birthday, depending on your perspective. Posts had been all over the map, and I think this was the beginning of a shift towards more entertainment writing. I was still able to link to my monthly humour column, but I'm pretty sure that by now my weekly newspaper humour column had finished, and all those links will now be broken.

March 17, 2011

My laziest post ever - no, that's wrong. I did once post a single word which got a lot  of responses - go figure. If only my entire career had that kind of luck!!

March 17, 2012

2012, a reflection again of my anniversary, and the landmark change that would ultimately keep me out of the looney bin - switched from years of anguish on a Windows Vista OS, to a MAC!!!!! Ironic, as I picked up a MacLife magazine on the flight home yesterday. I felt so good to make this move, and literally helped me keep what little sanity I had left...

March 17, 2013

By 2013, I realized this anniversary was an excellent way to avoid having to post. So, my apologies, these links are a little dull. A couple of days before or after, I referred to the 11's (11, 1:11. 11:11) that prevail throughout our life. I eventually had an epiphany one sleepless night, which I have yet to word towards - but I'm pretty sure I have connected dots with that 11 phenomenon that was particularly strong on this trip.

March 17, 2014

Yeah, by this time, it is apparent I know every year aside from this one that I have a blog anniversary. But I do refer to a bit more than I did back in 2013, so you have that. Massive changes as there is more entertainment writing, including my Calgary Herald pieces online.

March 17, 2015

We've come to the latest anniversary post - another grumbling about technology, even against my beloved Mac products - well, it is technology after all :-)

Here's to another 9 years!!!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:44 AM

    Whoa! 9 years?! Incredible. I can't believe it has been almost a decade for your Blog! Next year, we must do something celebratory for the 10th anniversary. Congrats Mr. That Dan Guy!

  2. Still so immature for its age...
