Sunday, March 01, 2015

How did I forget to attach this preview of The Steven Truscott Story??

What the heck - must be my embarrassment of riches - I'm so busy with requests and attendances I completely forgot to post a link to:

My preview, and cast and creatives interview for Louis B. Hobson's "Steven, The Steven Truscott Story".

I think that link pretty much leads you to everything you need to know about this dark chapter in Canada's legal system, so I'll just leave it with that.

Enjoy! Better, yet - get your tickets! Most nights have already sold out due to high demand...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:07 AM

    I can't wait to see this play. I read this story and wrote a paper on it when I was in Junior High School and the name "Steven Truscott" never left me. A very powerful story and important part of history we should not forget.

  2. I think this is going to be a great production...
