Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Well, That's A Fine How-Do-You-Do!

I see a line posted above my dashboard right now on Blogger that states they will be refusing certain content after March 23, of a specifically naughty nature.

By my own language back there, you can see just how much I'LL be affected by these changes...

But it does seem funny, given the explosive popularity of the 50 Shades thing, that there would be a push BACK, given the obvious appetites of the book buying and movie-going public.

Is Blogger Republican? Does Fox News own shares in Blogger? Is my Blogger blog going to suddenly disappear based on this rant??

Let's see...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:41 AM

    Oh my! Well, I still see your blog. So far, you must be safe!

  2. Safe and sound, just not of mind...
