Monday, January 05, 2015

My Real Estate Column Returns!

Well, technically it never went away, except for a brief period over the holidays when REM did a complete makeover of their website. It sure looks great now - check it out here!

Scroll down about halfway, and you'll see Columnists, which is where my latest is - if you happened to catch it before the posts briefly disappeared, it was about my lack of luck in picking out reliable cars.

You can also just go straight to that here.

Personally, I like the changes - and if you happen to BE in real estate, there's plenty of other resources there online as well, from actual experts :-)

Enjoy! This year will be bringing changes to my own online presences, so this is a good way to kick things off!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:53 AM

    I like the new site too! Very good!
