Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hopefully, Out Of The Woods

This cold or flu bug has been a persistent sucker, I'll give it that. Every time you think you've gotten it pushed back into the corner, it fills back up and knocks you on your a** again...

That said, I've tried to maintain some normalcy, attending as you know a few shows over the last week, and then crawling back to bed to try and get some reprieve. Today, I'm trying to get back to my day job, as I missed most of last week. We'll see how that goes.

It has been so misleading. Mrs. That Dan Guy has had it for almost three weeks, and was home again yesterday, as we had both spent the night hacking up air with our dry coughs. This morning, I've had lots of draining, but it feels up again so fast, that doesn't seem to help.

At least the head isn't pounding so much right now, I expect that delightful part of the ride may finally be over...

Well, onward and coughwards!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:12 AM

    Ya, this has been crazy, or as Mr. That Dan Guy kept saying "This is stupid!". 3 weeks yesterday for me, and 2 weeks for Mr. That Dan Guy, but this weekend we are in and resting and are on the upward-bound leg of this nasty bug. Bug be gone! Blech.

  2. Blech. Bah! Baaaa....
