Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Tis The Season

Yes, even the most resistant retailers and radio stations have now thrown down their velvety red gloves, and brought out Santa and his gang of holiday pals in full force, as we have passed the 30-day mark to Christmas.

Radio stations are now playing more holiday music than what their carefully mapped out format typically demands, and the gift shop at the local hospital has kicked shut-in reading materials and get-well flower bouquets out in favour of elves on shelves. Sure, they might be wearing stethoscopes in a bid to fit in little better, but they are still oddly out of place if a loved one has been hit by a falling Acme safe.

What can you do? The season is a juggernaut after all, and I understand there may even be religious roots involved to the annual spectacle of toy-buying and gift-giving, which might explain why it has endured as long as it has.

Well, Ho-Ho-Ho y'all! Just 23 days left!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:48 AM

    Ah yes. Tis the season for fat-cat companies to make a whole lot of money, that's for sure. Try as you might not to get caught up in what has become an out of control retail frenzy, you find yourself walking amongst the rest of the crazed shoppers. Yuk. Yes, oh well, fa-la-la-la!

  2. Only other companies that make more money than Xmas retailers are cable companies...
