Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day?

Who needs Boxing Day? At my age, I don't even shadow box anymore without wheezing like a hyena with a hernia!

I need Tupperware Day, to store away all the leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cream corn, toast, gravy, butter tarts, spaghetti, cornbread, apples, candy, candy canes, tortiere, ham, bacon, cinnamon toothpicks, turducken, meatballsquirrelbacon, and whatever else we cooked up yesterday.

Sheesh - get your holidays in order, North America!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:33 AM

    Pretty much (with the exception of "squirrel" in there? OMG!) I need a huge box to box up all the crazy chickens in this house. (Maybe one to squeeze Mr. That Dan Guy in to, just keep him on a shelf for a day or two until he settles down and learns how to behave)

  2. I'm Fat Elf on the shelf....
