Thursday, December 11, 2014

And Now, The End Is Near...

I see that Pirate Bay (an illegal download site) has been raided, and is currently offline. Here in Canada, Saskatchewan internet providers are now forwarding info on users that visit those sites to the copyright holders for warnings of legal action as well.

As a creator of materials in print and online, and a supporter of live musicians, this is GREAT news - and long overdue. The internet has caused so much uncertainty for creative artists, and even long-established performers are having to do kick-starters to make money or be able to even record a new album.

This is a good trend, which I hope continues to swell - it is the law after all.

Support artists. Buy, don't steal.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:17 AM

    Yes, I agree. It gets tougher and tougher for musicians and writers to make a go of it when they can't sell their products.

  2. Hope the pirates at least wear masks when they're stealing materials...
