Monday, October 06, 2014

My Calgary Herald Blog - Two Wildly Diverse Canadian Music Acts...

Yesterday I "soft-launched" my latest couple of features, podcast interviews with a couple of exciting, accomplished Canadian musicians. I had also loaded a YouTube version of one of the interviews.

This morning, I clicked "Publish" on the actual Calgary Herald feature that connects all those dots, which you can read here.

Vishten is an Acadian folk rock band that powers traditional sounds of the East Coast along with a wide variety of instruments and dancing. Their career has taken them around the world, and gained them a number of awards.

Jeffery Straker is a classically-trained pianist whose own sounds have been compared to Rufus Wainwright, Elton John, Sarah Slean and more. In my chat with him, he talks about appearing on South American television, to audiences of over 100 MILLION people, representing Canada. Incidentally, he won that competition.

Check all that out - and if you're in the Calgary area, come see them perform live this Friday, October 10th.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:26 AM

    Great interview, looking forward to seeing this acts

  2. Wow! What acts they were!
