Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Every Fall, Its The Viking Life For Me!!

Once those leaves start to fall at this time of year, inevitably I turn into Sven The Reaper, as I view my yard and know what must be done.

Yes, I adopt annually the famous Viking ways.  I will rake, and I will pillage. Those leaves don't stand a chance once I begin my relentless campaign of raking and pillaging.

(Pillaging means stuffing raked leaves into garbage bags, right? I really ought to surf the Googler to find that out...)

At any rate - arrr, matey's - a' rakin' and a' pillagin' I will go! Yo Ho Ho!!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:44 AM

    And if only everyone could see you rakin in your viking hat. Look at them horns!

  2. Thanks!

    I am The Horny Guy!!
