Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lynn Miles & Leeroy Stagger - An Evening In Pictures

Well, this is the first season of my Calgary Folk Club reviews that transition over now to my Calgary Herald blog page. However, I will continue to post pictures here, as I am limited there.

So please go check out my review on that page, after you've had a chance to see how much fun you missed on this one.

It was an epic start to the season, for sure...

Check it out

Keith Glass, Lynn Miles, Jason Valleau
Leeroy Stagger
Leeroy Stagger & Band
Russell Broom

Lynn Miles

Keith Glass

Jason Valleau


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:21 AM

    What a fantastic start to the season! I am now a HUGE fan of both performers. Incredible song writers. Can't wait to hear the CDs we purchased last night!

  2. Oh yeah - and both CDs were AWESOME!!
