Sunday, July 06, 2014

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend cowboy and guest blogger, Charlie Chicken...)


Itz tha Calgiry Stampeed, folks - giddy-up!!


Bein' born inna farm, Ah'm about tha only awwthentik cowboy yew might see here this week!

Ah gots mah spurs sharpened an polished, an mah cowboy hat is at the ready, fer when a cute cowgirl winks at me!

Ah LOOOOOOVES Stampede!!



Ah also kinda enjoys tha authentic foods of tha ole west, like these here minnie-donuts! Yowza, makes a beak slobber like a fountain at a outdoor pool - Mama Mia!!!


After a strennu-us couple hours a bull ridin'  a bird gets a hankering' fer donuts. Pardner...

Yessir, fella, yew kin dip 'em in sugar, ah ain't gots tha diabetes mahself!!



Now, excuse me folks, ah gotta sashay over ta tha shade, this here sunny wether is gonna burn tha pinfeathers right offa me!!


Cluck fer now - Ya-Hoooooooo!!!!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:31 AM

    Donuts after bull-riding? Ya whatever Charlie. You just wake up and want donuts for breakfast, who are you kidding? And "burn your pinfeathers off"? First of all, you have no feathers left, just poultry bumps you crazy bird, and second of all, you just want to lie down in the shade for a nap now that you have eaten your breakfast of donuts.
    Oh well, if Stampede gets you out of the house for 10 days, then, YAHOO and YEEHAW! Happy Stampeding!

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy11:31 AM

    Donuts after bull-riding? Ya whatever Charlie. You just wake up and want donuts for breakfast, who are you kidding? And "burn your pinfeathers off"? First of all, you have no feathers left, just poultry bumps you crazy bird, and second of all, you just want to lie down in the shade for a nap now that you have eaten your breakfast of donuts.
    Oh well, if Stampede gets you out of the house for 10 days, then, YAHOO and YEEHAW! Happy Stampeding!

  3. Who doesn't wake up and want donuts for breakfast??

  4. Who doesn't wake up and want donuts for breakfast??
