Tuesday, June 24, 2014

(It Was, Briefly) The End Of The World As We Know It!!!

Man, just a few hours without internet, and you wonder how our caveman ancestors ever managed to make it through evolution without wi-fi...

We returned from a brief trip to visit family late last night, and this morning tried to communicate with the outside world. First, no new emails overnight. Then, no internet to determine if we had been invaded by aliens and had missed the alerts.

Finally, no phone service! Dear Internet - how about you work like you're supposed to! I'm too frail for this sort of disruption...

Driving Mrs. That Dan Guy to work, I was able to connect with wi-fi and/or wireless outside of our neighbourhood, and like Pavlov salivating over a bell, we had our beloved internet once again!

Maybe it was his dog, but really, the point is that after hearing emails and Facebook posts dinging on my smartphone, I was finally able to breath again.

No, I actually did salivate, truth be told...

At any rate, now back online here, but I have to go do some running around. I will have to depend on my phone to tether me to reality.

Or at least the cyber version...


It's gonna be OK....

Later!! (I hope...)


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:35 AM

    Oh ya. If you could see Mr. That Dan Guy's face. Priceless. White as a ghost, pacing, saying things like "this doesnt make sense", checking the internet, than the phone, than the internet, back and forth a half a million times in half an hour. Priceless.
    (I think I might be the one who has to handle things when a "real" crisis in life occurs)

  2. What are you talking about?

    Calm as a cucumber!!
