Saturday, May 03, 2014

The Apparently ENDLESS Winter of our Discontent...

So, last night, today, and tomorrow - actually all next week - this:

December? No, May 3. May frigging 3rd. 

WANTED: Jack Frost & Ole Man Winter

Dead or Alive. No questions asked, just need to see the bodies...

And grass - anything green would be nice....


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    At least it is pretty?

  2. I suppose I can give it that...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy10:16 AM

    Yes, pretty for a Christmas postcard perhaps, but IT IS MAY! Sigh. I was just commenting a couple of days ago how the grass had turned green so quickly, and that BOOM. What grass? Sigh.

  4. For grass you'll need to talk to Willie Nelson...
