Thursday, May 08, 2014

Sorry, We Can't Cheer You On...

Mrs That Dan Guy and I are like the Bad News Bears of sports fans. Whenever we root for a team to win, or watch them play a critical game, they ultimately collapse like a dandelion fluff sculpture after a pudgy pigeon lands on it.

We've jinxed Canadian Olympic teams, Canadian curling teams, Canadian TV reality show contestants, and Canadian Bacon. We've doomed singers we've liked on The Voice, or unique entertainers we've cheered for on America's Got Talent.

So, if I don't openly support the Montreal Canadiens in this space during their terrific Stanley Cup playoff run right now, please understand that we are COMPLETELY INDIFFERENT to how they make out in this series!

We could literally care less about how they have taken the lead back in the series, and could put a stranglehold on the Boston Bruins tonight if they win again.

Frankly, it is is no interest to us whatsoever if the Canadiens eliminate the Bruins - so go ahead sports gods, proceed as you see fit. We won't be here to worry about the outcome...



  1. Great/funny piece about jinxing sports teams -- something I also excel at. I once rooted for Canada Dry -- and it rained!

  2. :-)

    Damn - despite our proclamation, we watched anyway. Montreal lost early in the OT period...


  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:37 AM

    Oh, oh, they play tonight. Do comments count in the jinx? I am rooting big-time for Montreal, but I wont say that here, just in case it adds to the jinx.

  4. We gave them brief hope yesterday...
