Thursday, April 24, 2014

Upgrading My Fitness Regimen

My pants are suggesting it might be time to pull up my fitness socks. First - screw you, pants! Second, here's my plan:

1) Move potato chips to higher shelf, requiring additional flexibility and reaching (stretches, very healthy...).

2) Get my own coffee in the morning, rather than wait for my house-person to bring it over once I'm settled into the sofa. I'll also save a fortune on tips!

3) Start walking more. Start with going down to the wine cellar and cigar humidor...

4) Give that Prancercise thing a try. Maybe try indoors first.

5) After dinner, set snacks in various locations that will require me to get up and fetch them. Wait, fetch? Oh-oh....

6) Buy larger size of new pants.

Hope one of those works!!



  1. Dan, I'm glad I was a witness to your funny thoughts on fitness.

  2. Thanks Dave!

    Oddly enough, I am a little quiet on the coaching front....

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:54 AM

    Oh brother! First of all, point 2, since I am the said house-person, what do you mean "save a fortune on tips"? I ain't never seen no tip Mr! Second of all, just go with point # 6 already!

  4. What? Who's been stealing your tips?

    I demand an investigation!

    (Say, is that coffee ready yet???)
