Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Brush With TV's Craig Ferguson

Over the years, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I have had the good fortune to see a number of late-nite TV hosts live - Jay Leno, Seth Meyers, David Letterman, and Craig Ferguson.

I even wrote a column about Mr. Ferguson a few years back, sadly no longer available for viewing online.

Hate to see him leave his post, but this is the reality of the television game now. Viewers would rather watch an orange hobbit show her cleavage, or get googley-eyed over self-centred bozos pretending to court each other. No wonder traditional cable is in such trouble, and have to charge so much for what they have to "offer" viewers...

At any rate, here's my take on catching Mr. Ferguson's brilliant live act - funny as hell he was...


Enjoy! We sure did...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:04 AM

    Bummer. He is crazy funny, and, well, just crazy! Too bad. I sure did enjoy his show when we went. I hope something fabulous is in store for him next.

  2. Me too - the guy is a hoot!
