Monday, April 14, 2014

Keep Yer Udders Straight!

Man, I'm no farmer, but how hard can it possibly be to keep all those udders straight, when milking cows??

There's 1%, and 2% just for starters, never mind skim and buttermilk. Plus a variety of creams, AND powdered milk! Now that's some output talent for animals that are generally dismissed as dumb...

Are they marked? Do farmers just know after years of experience? Do the spigots have different sizes??

I tip my hat to anyone that can keep all of that sorted out - I'll continue to just enjoy the end result, from lovely cartons in supermarkets, thank you very much!!



  1. This is inspired, Dan!

  2. Thanks Dave - my lactose intolerant humour is already getting complaints from cow proponent activists....

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy10:08 AM

    I at first thought they must have labels, but thinking this through further, putting labels on would be very painful for the owner of said udder. I will just go with very talented farmers. Keep Yer Udders Straight, love it!

  4. Must be cow whisperers or something....
