Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Embracing Ole Man Winter

Seeing as how Ole Man Winter seems determined to live in our basement throughout spring this year, we can only conclude that his marbles may be a little scrambled. He should already have moved on to Australia by now, but after yesterday (and today), it is clear he has no intention of moving on anytime soon. Even now, he's hollering for his morning newspaper, the crabby old SOB...

So, all we can do is embrace his lingering presence. There are some upsides, after all:

1) Dig out those Christmas cds that you had already put away back in January - many of the songs are far more fitting for the weather than those inappropriate Beach Boys hits...

2) I will save a fortune on lawnmower fuel this year!!

3) That shovel I bought Mrs. That Dan Guy for Christmas is really turning out to be a wise investment at this late point in the year...

4) Summer tires? in Canada?? HA HA HA HA!!!

5) The heavy snowfall has really covered up that deer carcass I've been meaning to remove...

6)  I will save a fortune on barbecue fuel this year!!

7) That frozen, ice-covered robin on the tree branch looks just like a Christmas tree ornament (is that muffled chirping I hear??)

8)  I will spend a fortune on heating fuel this year!!

9) My oil and canvas painting of the view out my living room window is simply shades of white...

10)  I will save a fortune on Speedo dry-cleaning this year!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:17 AM

    Oh brother! First of all, you WISH you had bought me a shovel, ha. Second of all, "muffled chirping"? Oh, so sad. And finally, but most importantly, "Speedo dry-cleaning"? Yuk!

  2. Yuk?

    Oh yeah, remind me to make that electrolysis appointment...
