Saturday, March 08, 2014

Paul Slade Smith - "Unnecessary Farce"

Paul Slade Smith
Actor, Playwright
"Unnecessary Farce"
Stage West Calgary

In my first-ever Skype video interview recording, I have a brief conversation with actor and playwright Paul Slade Smith about his career as an actor, his award-winning comedy "Unnecessary Farce", and what he has coming up.

A very authentic and forthcoming individual - enjoy!

(Only on YouTube right now, but will be loaded onto my podcast site and iTunes as soon as my maxed storage limit is cleared!!)



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:00 PM

    A terrific interview and wow, one talented gentleman. The workshop he is participating in soon should be an amazing experience and I sure hope his next play makes it our way!

    PS The Skype interview worked very well!

  2. Very happy with the interview AND the Skype discovery!!
