Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Driving In Calgary (Despite The Obstacles)

Just gathering a few random thoughts today after our brief but robust icy snowfall that occurred just in time for yesterday's commute to work:

* Bees? Honey. Ants? A picnic. How do you attract reckless, irresponsible asshats? Snow and ice on the morning roads. Bad tires? Going too fast - who cares! If I drive a truck or a BMW, I can go as fast as I want, and you are only in MY way. Sure, I may spin out of control after passing you on sheet ice, and almost kill everyone waiting at the nearby bus stop, but I have surely proven I am the most superior being of all, and most importantly, I got ahead of YOU!!

* Synchronize traffic lights? As the good folks at Calgary Traffic Planning state in their daily mantra, "Synchronization is for swimming, bitches!!" Bear in mind, these pinheads can't even synchronize the few lights on an overpass, ironically planned to speed up the flow of traffic...

* Clear the roads? Put down salt or gravel? Ha Ha Ha!! Hey, the sun will come out tomorrow, right??

* I am positive that even though a green light in the far distance will stay that way for the 15 minutes it takes me to approach it, the motion detectors ensure that they will turn red as soon as I get close enough to almost make it through that intersection. The amber will appear, briefly -  timed perfectly to force my frantic braking right through the pedal, down to the asphalt...

* Hey Alberta - remember when we had that Distracted Driving law come into effect a year or so ago? Good times, those couple of weeks where people at least tried to hide checking for emails and calling their besties to discuss urgent matters, like how they forgot to do their nails that morning. Seems like now the problem is twice as bad as before they tried to correct it. Maybe the province should consider deputizing responsible drivers.

I'm sure I've got more, but I better quit so that I can brace myself for another brush with Darwin's dullest this morning....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:26 AM

    Ah yes, the bane of one Mr. That Dan Guy's existence! Sadly, much of his rant is indeed true. How have so many people come to such self-absorption and sense of self-entitlement? Sigh. No polite drivers here.

  2. Bane for sure. I need a bat. Or a bazooka on my hood...
