Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Unemployed Bum Journal, Week 1

This is the first week of "freedom" for me, having left the security of "the Man", to...

Well, to do something other than have the security of "the Man", I suppose.

Here's my week so far:


Holiday. Spoiled the effect of not having to go to my day job. Spent day trying to get into spirit of things, but it really didn't count. Took advantage of sale at local mall. Stocked up on Kraft Dinner, and one-ply toilet paper. Will eventually fashion a key to steal that from our local gas station...


Still doesn't seem real. Mrs. That Dan Guy mapped out a full day of chores, which by about 1:00 PM started to feel an awful lot like I had gone to my day job. Protested by taking an extra long lunch, and watching Days Of Our Lives. Wow, soap operas have REALLY changed. I had better study this trend in greater detail...

Putting some thought to either job hunting, or entrepreneurship. I could be a captain of industry.

Note: Google inexpensive industries to start from scratch...

Wednesday (today)

Advised sternly that I needed to start shaving again. Driving MTDG to work, and more errands to run??? What the doodles??

And what exactly are sanitary napkins? Aren't they ALL clean when stores sell them??? How am I ever going to get to be a captain of industry if I'm stuck as a common private, Grunt First Class?

I need to allow my mind to sail the open seas of possibility. I need to percolate exactly how I will be the next Donald Trump!

I need to know what happened with Todd and Dylan, and if Mary's evil twin managed to kidnap Kimberly....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:47 AM

    First week of freedom huh. It may be chores and soap operas but is probably a million times better than the world you left. Just sayin.

  2. Indeed it is - watch my BG's plummet...
