Friday, December 27, 2013

Raw Meat On My Eye...

Well well well...

It would appear that Fenwick, my boxing Kangaroo, has honed his boxing skills since last Boxing Day.

The little beggar gave me a right good cod-walloping yesterday - and a throbbing shiner that I am nursing this morning. We will see soon if the old cliche of raw meat on an eye brings down swelling, or is just delaying me from having the slab of beef with some eggs and hash browns...

On a separate note, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I went shopping last night - was anyone else aware that the malls are absolutely insane the day after Christmas?

Holey Cow - and yes, I'm talking to you, raw steak!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:21 AM

    Ah, so perhaps not AS agile as one once was? Raw meat? Gross! Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria! Get that off your eye.
    Ya, shopping, and that was only the grocery store! Why would people purposely put themselves through that? Ugh.

  2. Gluttons for deals, and punishment apparently...
