Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Flawtography: Queen Latifah

I read in the newspaper yesterday that Queen Latifah is getting strong ratings with her new talk show, some days even as high as Ellen Degeneres for her terrific show.

Well, congrats Ms. Queen Latifah!

In your honour, I am posting a picture that I took when we saw you live in Radio City Music Hall for the amazing Mandela Day celebration that was held there a few years ago.

This wasn't a hastily snapped photo either, like I've had to do in the past when over-zealous security guards pounce on fans just trying to "capture the moment".

No, that is literally my skill level when I point and click...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:24 PM

    Ah yes, another reminder to add to our calendar "photography lesson". Sigh. But, what a great memory nonetheless. Unbelievable!

  2. You can easily make her out though...
