Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Home Depot Fails

Home Depot Fails:

-Cannot find an actual Chim Chim Chimney in the catalogue...

-Sure, lots of ladders, but where's the chutes or snakes??

-Never once been able to strike up "Hammer Time" with fellow shoppers...

-Cannot confirm that any of their staff are actually on the level...

-Management doesn't appreciate my jokes about the highs and Lowe's of the home renovation business...

-Grocery section rather lacking.

-Inequitable ratio between Hardware and software inventories.

-Inventory of actual home depots? Not even a railroad depot!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:33 AM

    Oh brother! Well, when you put it that way, yes, they failed.
    It would be cool to walk into a store and ask for the "Chim Chimney Cheroo" section though.

  2. You know I would....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
