Thursday, July 11, 2013

Top Site Views (as of this morning)

Google Analytics indicates that as of about 1 minute ago, the top two views here on this site are:

1) My review of Uptown Country Girls, currently playing at Stage West Calgary - my review for the Calgary Herald has yet to run, but I'll post a link once that goes live in print and online... Scroll down a bit and you'll find that a day or so ago - Saturday's post I believe...

2) My podcast video interview with Baltimore humorist and author Michele Wjociechowski - click on the photo montage above to go directly to THAT link. The YouTube views are a little slow, but she is by far and away the top view on my official site.....

Those links are the tops as of this morning!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:15 AM

    Yay! I can see why your interview with Michele is #1. Good to hear!
