Friday, June 28, 2013

Seeing Old Friends, and Making New Ones (hopefully...) #nsnc13

Well, one thing is obvious so far at the #NSNC13 conference - no matter how hard I try, I may not even come close to seeing everyone here in attendance...

After starting off by running into a bunch of familiar faces, meeting a few new ones, and breaking bread last night, I have my work cut out for me if I hope to even just say "hello" to all of my fellow attendees. A good turnout for our annual event, I am pleased to report.

Yesterday was primarily registration and an optional dinner at City Steam Brewery Cafe, but I think based on the few moments I spent visiting with folks, this is going to be a GREAT few days....

The festivities kick off officially in just over an hour - let the games begin!!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:52 AM

    Yes, always a great group and lots of laughs. Enjoy your workshops this AM Mr!

  2. I sure did.....

    Glad you started to feel better :-)
