Thursday, June 20, 2013

Remembering Actor James Gandolfini

It was a thrill back in 2009 when we attended "Gods Of Carnage" on Broadway, with an all star cast including Marcia Gay Harden, Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, and James Gandolfini. Gandolfini was without a doubt the draw to that show for us (that's Mrs That Dan Guy less than a couple of feet away from him in the lower photo...)

I'm not sure why I didn't review THAT show, I did all the others we attended during that trip, but I did scribble a few words about it and the actor in my blog sometime afterward:

He owned the stage, as you may well imagine. A departure from his Sopranos character, it was an amazing experience. Cherished now more than ever.

Gone far too soon...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:04 AM

    Oh, so incredibly sad. So young. He was amazing to see in that play and he was so nice when I asked for his autograph. Sigh.

  2. A memory made even more...memorable now...
