Monday, June 03, 2013

Jumping Right In

I start my new role here today (in my day job) as Manager Of Volunteer Engagement for Alberta with the Canadian Diabetes Association. A large and daunting task, but I get to start by taking a short trip to meet the lady who is shaping this role across Canada. In a few hours, I'm off to Vancouver.

The timing is amazing, as Volunteer Canada is hosting a public policy summit there on volunteering and citizen engagement. I am expecting to take a LOT back from this little jaunt.

Sadly, Mrs. That Dan Guy must stay and hold down the fort, wrangle Charlie, and ensure that my cigars remain at optimum humidity levels in our cabinet. Taking one for the team...

After I return, I will have to hope that a couple of interview subjects are still interested in participating, as we have been busy beavers the last while. Sure want to keep those features going, even though I foresee a lot of juggling in my future.

Yeah, and some jiggling...dang thighs....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:00 AM

    Awesome start to your new role Mr! Yup, just me and Charlie held down the fort. Charlie was miserable in his cage!

  2. He's got a cage?? Man, that would solve a lot of our problems.....
